Saturday, September 8, 2012

One Year Anniversary

All last week I kept hearing talk about the DNC and I thought – WOW, this stuff is making frontpage news. 
It’s been 8 weeks since our second D&C and a year since we thought we would be starting our family.  It’s hard to believe that it has been a year.   I understand now, when I read about different couples going on year after year trying, how painfully quick that time can go.  I try to keep the panic away when I think about that.  We still have at least 5 years, hopefully, maybe.
I have returned to being a supplement junkie. In fact, there are so many that they had their own luggage when we were on our road trip to California.  Seriously.  It takes me about 5 minutes in the morning to get them all down.  Part of that is because I also have this phobia that I will choke and die on my kitchen floor when taking pills.  Those of you who know me well, know that fear is one of the many reasons I got married.  Being married really means, if I did choke on some of these horse-size pills, someone would find me quicker or possibly even be standing there to help.  Thank you, Brett – yet, another amazing thing about you.  And yes, there are many, even more than my supplement list for sure – Quercetin, L-Arginine, Royal Jelly, Maca, Vitex, Selenium, Vitamin E, D, B-12, Super Greens, Pre-Natals, Omega 3-6-9.  I think that’s it.  At least it’s a start. 
I also have started back to yoga, acupuncture every two weeks, back on Chinese medicine, and have since started Mayan abdominal massage.  Basically, it’s an intense monthly massage on your abdomen to stimulate blood flow to your ovaries and uterus.  You also have to do weekly massages on your stomach for quicker progress.  The massage therapist, like the acupuncturist, like the Chinese medicine practitioner, has suggested waiting three cycles to get my eggs super healthy.  So we wait, although I have started keeping track of my temperatures and using ovulation predictor tests again and it makes it oh, so tempting when you see that you are ovulating.  But, I have made a promise to myself to wait so that we might have the healthiest eggs on the planet.  

It seems an auspicious omen that just yesterday, Brett sent me this picture while I was at work.  Yep, the chicks have become women chicks and they all laid their eggs on the same day.  Talk about convergence of cycles.  Now – if it will just rub off on me, we’d be in business.  But as it stands, we are in a holding pattern.  For one, to theoretically get these eggs of mine healthy.  It apparently takes 90 days for an egg to mature.  Meaning, the egg I will ovulate next month started maturing 90 days ago.  So everything I have been doing for the last 90 days impacts the quality of this egg.
The other reason, certainly not on my agenda, but like before, we are waiting for my cycles to begin again.  I thought for sure that I would start my period on the first day of school – a girl’s worst nightmare.  But nothing, despite proof that I’m ovulating. Unfortunately, 8 weeks post D&C likely means a round of estrogen in the hopes to give things a kick start.  Johnson seems to have a plan, which is good, since I called in typical ‘let’s get this party started’ mode a few weeks ago and asked, “So what’s your plan?” 
Meanwhile, I have continued to research whether I might have general hormone issues, thyroid, etc.  I decided that I would go see a general practitioner/family practice doctor to see what I might find out.  Basically, I just wanted to get an entire blood work panel of sorts done so that I could make sure that everything was within the normal range.  I had seen a GP before, so decided to go back to his office.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t get in to see him, so had to go to a different doctor. I guess if I had ever wondered whether Western medicine was entirely useless, I got my answer. 
After explaining to her that we had been trying to have a baby for nearly a year, had two miscarriages of different varieties, and wondered if perhaps I had some hormone issues going on, she asked me a number of questions.
Dr: “So, did your OB run some blood work for you?”
Me: “Yes, but in February and for all I know, everything checked out okay, but I’m wondering if perhaps she didn’t check my thyroid and all my hormone levels.”
Dr: “Well, I would just be shooting in the dark if I started doing a bunch of tests, especially if she already has done them. Do you know when she considers you a high-risk pregnancy or [the dreaded] Advanced Maternal Age?”
Me: “No, I mean, she hasn’t told me that she considers me either of those things.”
Dr: “Does your husband stay out of hot tubs?”
Me: “Yes.”
Dr: “Does he ride a bike?”
Me: “Occasionally, but he doesn’t like to.”
Dr: “Are you taking a multi-vitamin?”
Me: “Yes and then some.”
Dr: “Well, then, you are doing everything right.  There’s nothing much I can do for you.  You should really just talk to your OB. Sorry…”
Me: “Okay, well, I guess I’ll call her when I get home.”
Dr: “Sounds good.”
Now, mind you, these doctors practice under the same umbrella of healthcare providers, so feasibly they should be able to access the test results, if said test results were kept electronically, which I don’t know if they are. 
But regardless, according to this doctor, we are doing everything right.  And who knows? Maybe we are.  I believe I have reached my deductible for the year, so luckily my insurance will be covering that appointment.  Easy money for her, I guess.  All in a day’s work.
In the meantime, summer is coming to a close although you would not know by the temperature in my classroom this week and I’m headed back to work.  I’m excited to be back in the classroom after a year of being away.  I think it will be a good distraction from worrying about this elusive baby and will be a different way to feel time pass, rather than focusing on my monthly cycles.  We have still not given up hope, not sure if we ever could really.   But it certainly does feel harder and harder to focus our intention on making it happen.  It takes a lot out of you and the desire and want can really consume your life and energy.  I guess now, we are just trying to find a balance between living our life together and hoping that soon, we’ll add one to our mix. 

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