Monday, June 17, 2013

Third Time is a Charm...

and miracles do happen...

I’ve been thinking for weeks about how or if I would ever get a chance to write this post.  It has seemed like such a long time coming.  As you well know, after many appointments with our Reproductive Endocrinologist, a failed IUI, coming to accept his diagnosis that we had a 1% chance of a healthy pregnancy, weeks of working with an attorney and attending a required meeting with an overpaid psychologist, deciding to move forward with donor egg IVF, we finally took ‘custody’ of our baker’s dozen of frozen donor eggs in late April with plans to thaw and fertilize in late May and transfer in late June.  But apparently, the universe had other plans for us. 

As I type this, we are about 13 weeks along with our very own little miracle baby.  The frozen eggs remain on ice.  Without planning and without thinking it was possible, our last cycle before beginning the process of donor eggs, we managed to get pregnant ourselves.  

I don't know how it happened (well, I mean, technically I know how it happened but...).  I had started training for the Rock 'n Roll half marathon - maybe that got more blood flowing.  I did continue to see my amazing acupuncturist and chinese medicine doctor (I am not her first success story - she might be the miracle in all this).  After receiving the eggs, maybe it was just knowing that it was going to happen one way or another.  It was just a matter of time.  But really, we'll never know.  

And although we are beyond excited, I have spent the last few weeks also worrying and waiting for the other shoe to drop as it has twice before.  Luckily, nothing has gone the way it did before.  And all the hurdles we never passed before, we are.  I’ve had nausea and a bad case of evening sickness.  I have been exhausted.  And let’s not forget the complete irritability – Brett’s favorite! And best of all, we have heard the heartbeat and seen our little soul a number of times, today being the most recent.  And I have to say, HE is already amazing.  He is a serious wiggler.  Johnson, my OB, continues to say he looks good and things look great.  

Yes, we know it is a he already.  A little over a week ago, we opted for a new blood test given to pregnant women over 35 that will (with 98% accuracy) detect Downs Syndrome and a number of Trisomy defects.  It will also detect gender.  We were thrilled to learn that he is healthy and growing and our test results all confirm this.  We also learned that little soul is growing into a baby boy.  Pretty cool.

So now we just keep moving along.  I am still terrified and nervous.  But each day that passes, I feel more reassured and optimistic that this little guy will be with us before the New Year - New Year’s Eve to be exact.  But lucky for us, he is measuring big and it is likely that our due date will be well before the clock strikes midnight.  Either way – we are looking forward to ringing in the New Year with this new addition to our family.

And now that we have finally passed this 1st trimester hurdle, we finally feel like celebrating.  We also will hope and pray that things continue to go well - please do the same.  Thank you to everyone for your support and your love through this journey with us.  We feel so fortunate right now in so many ways.  This little guy is truly a miracle.